泰克多是一种我们很多朋友都不知道泰克多的代码的结构泰克特工号泰克特墙壁我给你的提示是“blue print & # 39/game/primary earth/core blue prints/item/tek-primary structure _ tek wall . primary structure _ tek wall & 39 & 20 0泰克特港请输入“blue print & # 39/game/primary earth/core blue print/item/structures/tek texture _ tek source switch . primary structure _ tek color switch & 39 & quot 20 0 0泰克特港我给你的提示是“blue print & # 39/game/primary earth/core blue prints/item/structure/tek/primary structure _ en by . primary structure _ en by & 39 & quot 20 0 0泰克特的花?不,不,不,不,不我给你的提示是“blue print & # 39/game/primary earth/core blue print/structures/tek/primary text _单个洋葱。primary structure _单个洋葱和39 " 20 0 0泰克多打开双门我给你的提示是“blue print & # 39/game/primary earth/structures/door frames _ double/tek/primary text _ tek . primary structure _ dubledororframe _ en和39 " 20 0 0德克斯,打开双门我给你的提示是“blue print & # 39/game/primary earth/structure plus/doors _ double/tek/primary structure _ dubledore _ tek . primitive structure _单个和39 " 20 0 0泰克特我的建议是“blue print/game/primary earth/core blue print/item/structures/tek/primary structure _ to draft . primitive structure _ to draft .第一手资料和第二手资料,第一手资料,第二手资料,第二手资料,第三手资料,第三手资料,第二手资料,第三手资料,第三手资料泰克特楼梯我给你的提示是“blue print/game/primary earth/structures/tek/primary structure _ trap _ tek . primary structure _ en和39 & quot 20 0 0 .蓝本字幕ocr:贾宝玉字幕校对:贾宝玉校对:贾宝玉校对:贾宝玉校对:贾宝玉校对:贾宝玉校对:贾宝玉校对:贾宝玉校对:贾宝玉校对:贾宝玉校对谢谢你的专栏我给你买了蓝点和39 /游戏/主地球/核心蓝点/结构/单个/主结构_单个药丸。20 0 0泰克多的铁丝网我给你的提示是“blue print & # 39/game/primary earth/blue prints/item/structure/tek/primary structure _ tek formation . primary structure _ tek formation & 39 & quot 20 0 0泰克多的铁丝网我给你的提示是“blue print & # 39/game/primary earth/core blue prints/structures/tek/primatestructure _单轨道。primary structure _单轨道& 39 & 20 0例如,栏、栏、栏、栏、栏、栏、栏、栏、栏cheat我提供了Blueprint和39/game/primary earth/structures/fence支持/单/primary structure _ fence支持_ one和39 " 20 0 0巨大的隔离墙我给你的提示是“blue print & # 39/game/primary earth/structures/walls _ l/tek/primary structure _ large _ tek . primary structure _ large _ en和39 " 20 0 0恐龙之门我给你的提示是“blue print & # 39/game/primary earth/blue print/item/structures/tek frame _ primary structure . primary structure _ tek frame & 39 & quot 20 0 0Tec,恐龙之门我给你的提示是“blue print & # 39/game/primary earth/core blue prints/item/tek gate基本结构。primary structure _ tek gate & 39 & 20 0 0泰克特野兽之门我给你的提示是“blue print & # 39/game/primary earth/blue print/item/structures/single/primary text _ tek frame _ large . primary structure _ tek frame _ large & 39 & quot 20 0 0Tec怪物之门我给你的提示是“blue print & # 39/game/primary earth/blue prints/structures/单个/primary gate _ large . primary structure _ tegate _ large & 39 & 20 0这是这艘船的生存和进化的全部泰克特建筑代码。想了解更多策略的小朋友可以继续展示最新最全面的攻击船的生存进化创世纪介绍生物地图控制台代码建筑课一个人圣诞宠物他打开了皮肤锁收集基本元素大和命令龙的训练技巧资料背景图形流第一个世界的时代Techline德雷泰克特肩膀中枪鱼网小球不见了生物编码喂纳维尔先生熔岩龟洞小球选择熔岩鸡蛋对象代码岩浆龙菲洛纽x创世纪2高解析度地图生物编码资源分配了解您的软件空心龙空的仓库黑海狮诺灵顿